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Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Resources for Faculty: Background Materials


Faculty, staff, administrators, and students that are interested in issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion may find the following resources useful for their research needs. This guide is a work in progress; if you have suggestions or comments, please reach out to or

This portion of the CLE guide was created using several existing research guides, including:

On the Legal Academy & Legal Education

The resources below are a non-comprehensive list of books, articles, and other sources that professors can use (1) to prepare for teaching with diversity, equity and inclusion in mind and (2) to assign to students to introduce discussions about diversity, equity, and inclusion in the classroom.

Selected Books & eBooks

Selected Articles

Selected Other Resources:

On Critical Legal Studies

Critical Legal Studies (CLS) is a scholarly movement that emerged in the 1970s that argues the law is not neutral or objective. From CLS sprang several other critical theories, including Critical Race Theory (CRT), feminist legal theory, LatCrit, TribalCrit, AsianCrit, and DisCrit. The resources below, while not necessarily related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, may be useful for individuals wanting to learn more about these theories. 

Selected Books & eBooks

Selected Articles


On Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The resources included below discuss diversity, equity & inclusion.

Selected Books & eBooks

Selected Articles:

On Race & Racism

The resources below discuss issues of race and racism, focusing on the United States.

Selected Books & eBooks

Selected Articles: